9.1) Congestion Survey
The Harrogate Congestion Survey was held in 2019. It was partly designed to test local feelings about a bypass or so-called relief road that NYCC wanted to build. That was roundly rejected (78% of respondents).
77% of the 15,500 respondents said they were in favour of improved cycling and walking infrastructure.
As a result of the Congestion Survey, there is a mandate for better active travel facilities.
9.2) TfN Decarbonisation Strategy
Transport for the North produced a Decarbonisation Strategy, which went to consultation from June 2021.
In the short term (up to 2030), it relies on mode shift and demand reduction to achieve necessary reductions. NYCC has no strategy to reduce car trips.
9.3) Yorkshire & Humber Climate Commission Action Plan
The Yorkshire & Humber Climate Commission produced its Climate Action Plan in November 2021.
It proposes:
- 20 minute neighbourhoods
- widespread delivery of ambitious, joined up plans for walking and cycling
- minimising the need for private car ownership
- switching to active or public transport
NYCC Council Leader Carl Les put his name to a Statement in Support of the Plan, but there is no NYCC strategy to implement the Plan.
A NYCC climate change strategy is due in Summer 2022 (i.e. now, the time of writing).
9.4) Emissions Reduction Pathways
WYCA and the York & N Yorkshire LEP published an Emissions Reduction Pathways document for the York and North Yorkshire region.
It says that transport is the biggest single source of greenhouse gases in the region, and the top priority is to reduce private car use through modal shift and demand reduction.
Under the Max Ambition pathway, private car use reduces by 48% by 2030.
Under the other two pathways, private car use reduces by:
- 30% by 2030 and
- 44% by 2038
Walking increases by 50% and there is a 9-fold increase in cycling.
These are big changes, but they have not even been communicated to North Yorkshire residents yet.