There is a Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for Harrogate & Knaresborough, and a Ripon LCWIP is being prepared by consultants.

In fact the Harrogate & Knaresborough LCWIP is only a cycle infrastructure plan, but we understand that a walking element is being added.

A Phase 2 report was prepared, with designs for cycle routes along 4 corridors. We have seen it, but it has not been made public.

7.1) Analysis of the H&K LCWIP

The H&K LCWIP is a very general document, with a large number of pages covering the demographics and topography of the towns, and cycle infrastructure in general. This is not very useful.

A key element is a Cycle Network Map, which we’ve turned into a Google map.

According to the LCWIP guidance, a key output of an LCWIP is a Programme of Cycle Infrastructure Improvements, summarising the improvements needed to bring routes on the cycle network map up to a suitable standard. The guidance doesn’t say that the improvements should be limited to selected routes.

Improvements should then be prioritised, with short, medium and long term priorities. There should also be a high-level appraisal and costing of schemes.

The gaps in the H&K LCWIP and Phase 2 report are:

  • no comprehensive Programme of Cycle Infrastructure Improvements
  • no short-, medium- and long-term priorities
  • no high-level appraisal and costing of schemes

7.2) Our LCWIP Zone Plans

We wanted to ensure that there was a comprehensive Programme of Cycle Infrastructure Improvements, so we prepared Zone Plans for the whole of Harrogate (the town, not the District). For all of the routes on the Cycle Network Map, we suggest the type of infrastructure or intervention required.

A very good NYCC transport planner is analysing our zone plans, and prioritising schemes. This should result in a proper cycling element of the LCWIP for Harrogate.

We had hoped that we would be able to pick up small improvements (Quick Wins) as we went along. It would be up to the Area 6 team to do the work on these items, but so far they have not done so. Some steps have been taken towards removing a single barrier, but it has not yet actually been removed.

Rossett Drive barrier
Rossett Drive barrier

We are concerned that, however good the work on the LCWIP, there is no reliable delivery mechanism.

7.3) Practical Application of the LCWIP

The existing LCWIP should form the basis of applications for active travel funding, but so far no application has been made in relation to the 4 routes identified by the consultants.

NYCC’s ATF3 bid made reference to the LCWIP, but in fact none of the bids in Harrogate District was based on the LCWIP.

For the LCWIP to serve its intended purpose, officers must have read it and know what it is in it, then use it as the basis of bids.

The LCWIP should be embedded in the planning process, but it is not. In the transport proposals for West Harrogate Urban Expansion, there is no reference to the LCWIP. Further, the officers involved in West Harrogate have all seen our Zone Plans, yet the Zone Plans have been completely ignored in the transport proposals.

The LCWIP needs to be embedded in the Local Transport Plan. We will wait to see the new LTP.

1) Introduction

This is the home page of the Active Travel England section, which contains the Introduction and links to all other pages in the section.

2) Attitude of the Highways Authority

Notes on the attitude of the highways authority, North Yorkshire County Council, and the way they approach active travel.

3) Cycle Infrastructure Design

The impact of LTN 1/20 Cycle Infrastructure Design in Harrogate, and the way it is applied (or not) by NYCC officers.

4) Housing Development

The active travel disaster zone that is recent and ongoing housing development in Harrogate District.

5) Projects

A brief overview of some current projects in Harrogate District, including Otley Road Cycleway and Station Gateway.

6) Junctions

This section highlights the issues which have not been addressed at four important junctions.


An analysis of the Harrogate & Knaresborough LCWIP, how (if) it is being used in practice to inform bids for fuding, and the work we are doing to try to make it more comprehensive.

8) Network Management Duty, School Streets, and 20mph

While other local authorities are forging ahead, there are no School Streets in Harrogate District. Insufficient progress is being made on the other actions to promote active travel set out in Network Management Duty guidance.

9) Congestion Survey

The 2019 Congestion Survey and the mandate it gave NYCC to pursue an active travel agenda. This section also includes a brief look at TfN's Decarbonisation Strategy, the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission's Climate Action Plan, and the York and N Yorkshire Emissions Reduction Pathways.

10) Solutions

Solutions to the problems with NYCC's active travel programme.