HAPARA, the Harlow and Pannal Ash Residents’ Association, is seeking local residents’ views on Phase 3 of the Otley Road Cycleway. In an update email to people on its mailing list, HAPARA drew attention to their flier on the subject
North Yorkshire Prioritising Motor Vehicles at West Harrogate Urban Expansion
North Yorkshire Council is prioritising motor vehicles at the West Harrogate Urban Expansion. Around 2,000 houses are to be built at sites along Otley Road (between Harlow Carr and Beckwithshaw), and between Whinney Lane and Beckwith Head Road. National Requirement
North Yorkshire Active Travel Fund 3 Bid Update
North Yorkshire made a bid for money from the Active Travel Fund 2021 (also known as Active Travel Fund 3, because it is the third tranche of money released). I reported on the bid in July this year. Their bid
Windmill Farm Housing Development
Planning consultants Johnson Mowat have launched a consultation about a proposed development of Windmill Farm, near Beckwithshaw. Under their proposals, 780 new houses would be built. A plan of the site shows no cycle infrastructure whatever within the development. The