Beech Grove modal filter
Modal filter on Beech Grove

A Low Traffic Neighbourhood was put in place on Beech Grove, Harrogate, on 18th February 2021 for a trial period of 18 months, with a view to it being made permanent.

The Scheme

Beech Grove LTN
Beech Grove LTN, with modal filters shown as green boxes

There are filters at Lancaster Road and Beech Grove, represented by the green boxes on the map. The filters are planters on the outside and bollards in the middle.

The car parking spaces on Beech Grove are not affected and remain in place.

Why We Support Beech Grove LTN

Beech Grove LTN provides a safer route into the town centre, linking up the future Otley Road cycleway with Victoria Avenue and Station Parade.

As well as providing a safe bike route, Beech Grove LTN:

  • creates a more pleasant walking route into town, allowing people to walk in the road to socially distance
  • creates a space for children to use scooters, and for e-scooters and mobility scooters
  • makes Beech Grove easier to cross between West Park Stray and Lancaster Road
  • makes West Park Stray a little more peaceful and enjoyable, as traffic will be reduced on one of the three sides
  • makes the street nicer for residents

Read more about why we support Beech Grove LTN in Why Do We Need A Modal Filter On Beech Grove?

15 or 20mph Speed Limit

The latest Cycle Infrastructure Design Guidance says (paragraph 7.1.1) that the upper limit for inclusive cycling – conditions in which most people, especially with younger children, will feel comfortable cycling on the road – are 2,500 vehicles per day and 20mph.

We would therefore like the speed limit on Beech Grove to be reduced to 20mph or lower.


Consultation took place up to 14th August 2021. The details were set out on North Yorkshire’s website.

Comments were to be sent by email to by 14th August 2021. We suggested a response that could be as simple as:

Dear Area 6,

Support for Beech Grove LTN

I support the Beech Grove LTN, which will provide a safer bike route into the town centre, and create a more pleasant park street for residents and people walking there.

I would like a speed limit of 20mph or lower.

Best Regards

suggested email in support of beech grove ltn

We believe the scheme works well and should be made permanent. We will update this page when there are further developments.

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