North Yorkshire Council (NYC) held a consultation about active travel improvements in the Oatlands area in October and November 2022.
Eight months on, the council still has not published the results. NYC say they intend to disclose the results in advance of the local area council meeting on 14th September. That is very poor.
NYC claim they are working on designs for unspecified schemes, and they intend to…launch another consultation about those designs.
No funding has been allocated to these schemes, so there would need to be a successful funding bid before they could go ahead.
Crossings of Oatlands Drive and Wetherby Road
Under pressure from the Oatlands Road Safety and Active Travel Campaign, NYC agreed in March this year to build crossings of Oatlands Drive and Wetherby Road, for the benefit of people walking and cycling on Slingsby Walk.
Apparently funding has been allocated for the Wetherby Road crossing, while the Oatlands Drive crossing is currently being costed.
NYC say they will consult on both crossings in September.
School Street Pilot on Beechwood Grove
Again thanks to the hard work and persistence of Oatlands Road Safety and Active Travel Campaign, a School Street pilot on Beechwood Grove, will start on the first day of term at Oatlands Junior School, Wednesday 6th September 2023.
This will mean that people (other than residents) will not be allowed to drive their vehicles onto Beechwood Grove at school drop-off and pick-up times. As a result, it will be much safer for children and their parents.