Chairman of HDCA Kevin Douglas spoke to the Harrogate Advertiser today, about the Association’s suggestions for post-lockdown active travel improvements.

‘We are hoping that the council will take forward some of our suggestions and trial them, but they need to do it quickly to capture the moment,’ Kevin told Local Democracy Reporter Jacob Webster.

‘We are seeing improvements made in York, Leeds and Bradford where councils are seizing the opportunity.

This is a great chance to make some real improvements in Harrogate, Ripon, Knaresborough and other rural areas of the borough.

People have started to realise that the car is not always king and we need to give some space on the road for cyclists. Yes the government is talking about a golden age of cycling – but they will only be able to do this with proper lanes and protection.’

From his comments in the Advertiser article, it appears that David Bowe of NYCC is still highly focused on government funding, rather than getting on with introducing much-needed measures quickly and cheaply.

He does, though, promise that ‘further information on potential measures in North Yorkshire will be available later this week…’

HDCA Chairman speaks to the Advertiser

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